Bertha-Ottenstein Prize for Gender Equality and Diversity Awarded to kite mentoring
Recognition of 10 Years of Successful Support for Women in Science and Research.
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Best Paper Award at VRIPHYS 2017
Members of the Graphics Group won the highly prestigious Best Paper Award at VRIPHYS - Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulations 2017 in Lyon, ...
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Björn Grüning, Department of Computer Science, is one of the most-cited researchers in the world
New “Highly Cited Researchers” list published
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Celebrating 10 years of empowering women
Anniversary event “Flying to new heights with kite-mentoring”
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Changes on campus
The new ordinance on study operations will take effect on January 11, 2021
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CHE Ranking 2022 for Master's degree programs: University of Freiburg in the top group for electrical and information engineering and psychology
Subjects in the engineering sciences and psychology were newly examined
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Christmas Lecture 2023
Christmas Lecture at the Faculty of Engineering
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Christoph Rüchardt Scholarship
For the winter term 2014/15 and the summer term 2015, the Master students Gazmend Alia, Yannick Folwill, Oksana Kutkina, Gabriel Kalweit und Jonas Weber have ...
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Colloquium of the Faculty of Engineering, June 13, 16:00 c.t. / Dr. Frank Hutter, Emmy Noether Research Group Lead
Title: "Modelling and Optimization of Empirical Algorithm Performance"
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Company excursion to Bosch
25 students of the Faculty of Engineering immerse themselves in the world of MEMS
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