Accurate to the decimeter
A new system should enable self-propelled cars to find their way better than with GPS
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A boost for artificial intelligence
How can a computer learn to generalize the knowledge contained in a huge dataset and to find solutions for complex problems on its own? This question is the ...
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Automated cell research
Freiburg researchers will receive EXIST funding for spin-off project “LABMaiTE”
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Preventing Autonomous Combat Robots
The computer scientists Wolfram Burgard rejects the misuse of artificial intelligence for military purposes
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Freestyle across the field
A plant robot renders weeds environmentally harmless – and could do more field work for farmers
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Christoph Rüchardt Scholarship
For the winter term 2014/15 and the summer term 2015, the Master students Gazmend Alia, Yannick Folwill, Oksana Kutkina, Gabriel Kalweit und Jonas Weber have ...
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A Kaleidoscopic View of Corona
In a new series of video podcasts Freiburg researchers offer their perspectives on the effects of the pandemic. Here are the contributions of the Faculty of ...
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Making Machine Learning More Democratic
The European Research Council is funding Frank Hutter’s project with a Proof of Concept Grant
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Computer scientist Frank Hutter receives an ERC Consolidator Grant
Deep Learning 2.0: Automated Machine Learning enables more precise algorithms
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Deep Learning for All
Freiburg computer scientists develop a user-friendly plug-in for the automated analysis of biomedical images
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