Machine quality assurance for software
Computer Scientists from Freiburg win first place at the International Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP)
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Prof. Oana Cojocaru-Mirédin in interview
TF uncovered – Part 4
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New strategy for clinically relevant protein sequencing
Researchers of the Project nEOdiag aims to develop fast and inexpensive analyses of amino acid sequences at the University of Freiburg
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Exclusive company tour at Bosch Research
Invitation for students of the Faculty of Engineering.
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Informatica feminale Baden Württemberg
Summer School & Networking from & for women in STEM
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This year's Wolfgang Gentner Young Investigator Award goes to Dr. Maria Kalweit, Department of Computer Science
At the ceremonial opening of the Academic Year 2023/24 of the University of Freiburg on October 18, 2023, Rector Prof. Dr. Kerstin Krieglstein awarded Dr. ...
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Invitation to the graduation ceremony
The Faculty of Engineering honours its graduates.
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First Startup BBQ at the Faculty of Engineering
Meet Founders & Connect
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Season’s Greetings
Season’s Greetings and all the best for 2024!
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Finissage of the campaign „womenSHAPINGknowledge“
But the Faculty of Engineering keeps track with 4 more inspiring women
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